So there was a rather small trail leading down a row... I decided to follow it out of curiosity.
The hole began to open up a bit more as I continued to walk down. Since our hop yard is on a decent pitch I assumed it would only get worse.
As you can see the ravine is pretty big. Tractors no longer will fit down the row with out falling into the holes that were created. The saving grace was that it ran straight down on row instead of sideways across the field, which would have been a major mess.
This hop was not as lucky as the rest. It's a little hard to survive 90 degree heat with no soil around your roots.
Hops are tough though. These one have fallen down 3 to 4 feet to the point were the twine is holding them up. Upon closer inspection I notice that most of the rhizomes were out of the soil and only the roots were reaching into the ground.
how do you fix that?!
Currently the strategy has been a lot of dirt and a loader, so far it has been a two day project. I believe it should be finished up sometime tomorrow. So that we can move on to doing better things with our time than filling in large unexpected holes in our hop yards.
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